Welcome to the UNICO Memphis Chapter & the UNICO Memphis Chapter Foundation

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UNICO which means unique or one of a kind in Italian is the largest Italian American Service organization in the United States. The Acronym stands for Unity, Neighborliness, Integrity, Charity, Opportunity. We’re glad you found us!  The Memphis Chapter is part of UNICO National which was founded in 1922 and has been a member chapter since 1977.  We raise money for local charities that meet our mission objectives of Heritage and Culture, Education, Cooley’s Anemia research, Cancer research, Mental Health, and Anti-Bias. Our Foundation is a 501c3 which governs how we can raise and distribute funds while allowing for the maximum tax benefit for our donors. All the information you want to know about our chapter activities and Foundation initiatives can be found under the categories to the left. This page contains upcoming events and the most current fund raising projects listed for your convenience and we invite you to check out the entire site.  We especially would like for you to visit the Membership page or view the latest communication from our Chapter President.

Columbus Facts and Fiction Video

Click this link to view a Youtube video of an academic account of Christopher Columbus that will inform viewers of the truisms and falsehoods that surround Columbus with historical facts, not unproven rhetoric.

Upcoming Events:

Tuesday January 25,  2022           ZOOM Conference Call

All other Events and Meetings have been cancelled due to the COVID19 pandemic.  We are encouraging everyone to comply with our civic leader recommendations. 

Regular Meetings

**Note:** Meetings may cancel due to COVID19

Yearly Meeting Schedule

Tuesday January 25,  2022           ZOOM Conference Call

Recent Events:

Columbus Statue Engraved Names Mounted.  Click Here to See pictures on Columbus Tab

See All Pictures on Photos tab.

Golf Tournament




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Customer Service

Phone:  901-832-2594

Email:  mjspano58@gmail.com